Monday, August 4, 2014

Do you have the Time?!

Have you ever dreamed of opening you're own restaurant?

We have, and the more we research, the more we appreciate just how difficult this industry has become.  We can certainly tell you from the hundreds of conversations that we've had, that it takes a special type of person to own and run a restaurant in today's economy.

Dwindling margins, increased competition and aggressive bargain hunting aren't making the business any easier for restaurateurs who are trying to make an honest living.

Vision Ten & Ten, Co-Founder, Dom Balsamo; has had the pleasure and disservice of growing up in the restaurant business. He knows that while the business can be very lucrative, and the experiences can be extremely gratifying, it's often the type of hard work best left to those who enjoy thankless jobs. 

The type of thankless jobs that require you to be on your feet for 10-12 hours per day, 7 days a week; regardless of Weekends, holidays, birthdays, picture perfect or disastrous weather.  You name the scenario and the owner sees it as only one thing, another day at work!

We've learned that the restaurant business isn't for those who enjoy regular free time, long holiday vacations or the occasional day off from inclement weather.  It's for those who understand that in order to be successful, you have to work your tale off, and only rest once they know the job is completely done (despite knowing the work will never be done!)

Needless to say; the restaurant industry is only suitable for the most incredible types of people. 

Because it can be very rewarding to own a reputable and successful restaurant, many current owners are often looking to unique business practices improve their business. These practices certainly include regularly searching for ways to increase customer volume, but that doesn't have to be the only way to become successful.
What if we were to influence you to think more about streamlining you current business and improving your bottom line by not focusing solely on increasing the total number of covers each night?  
Please visit our website ( and follow the link to learn more about the development of the VenWatch, Optic Recognition; Restaurant Invoice Management software platform.
We are sure that you'll agree that there are many ways to improve the way you own and run your restaurants.  Some are obvious and easy to implement, while others require an owner with sufficient time on their hands.  Needless to say, we appreciate that time is of the essence in this industry; and that as a result, this renders most "business improving ideas" generally worthless to those who need them the most.  
Let Vision Ten & Ten, and the VenWatch Software save you time!!!
As a team dedicated to improving business efficiencies, our goal is to deliver weekly blogs that will help many restaurateurs look at their operations differently.  Hopefully an idea or two makes it into your bag of tricks with the help of VenWatch!!
Authored by,

Your Vision Ten & Ten Guys; Dom and Dan

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